Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rainbow Death --- Task 2

Rainbow Death

America did not foresee

Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!

Expecting others to pay a high price.

Now thinking twice?

Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.

Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.

All the deceit continues to spread!

Nefariously America was led astray -

Generations untold WILL pay -

Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

1) Point of View

Point --- Strongly object USA actions in using the Agent Orange /

Evidence --- "America did not foresee"

“Now thinking twice?”

“Nefariously America led astray”

"Death potpourri"

Elaboration --- By saying “Now thinking twice”, Hubert is saying that the USA had not thought through all the consequences of the Agent Orange but when the realised the devastating effects that caused gore and defects, it was too late to reverse the effects anymore. Death potpourri is a oxymoron as potpourri refers to a mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent in houses and death is in itself gory and brutal. The speaker may be trying to say that death spreads as fast as the scent of the potpourri as Agent Orange is able to kill rapidly. Finally, the most vital clue to the poet side is when he calls America nefarious (which means evil)

2)Situation & Settings

Point --- Historic Setting was the Vietnam War

Evidence --- "birth defects"

"premature death"

"execrable effects of agent orange spray"

Elaboration --- From the evidence, it is evident that Agent Orange was used in the context of the poem. The effects of Agent Orange, such as " birth defects" and "premature death", are similar to those effects of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. Furthermore, future generations will also have to pay for the damage caused by the Agent Orange. To ensure this was the Vietnam War, USA was included in this poem.


Point --- Poem includes many literary devices such as oxymoron and alliteration

Evidence --- "rainbow death"

"thinking twice"

Through the poet’s use of oxymoron like “death potpourri”, it creates a sarcastic tone which shows that he is sceptical of the USA using Agent Orange in the war. He also uses alliteration of the “t” sound in “thinking twice”. The “t” sound is a harsh, sharp sound that is commonly associated with scolding. It demonstrates that the poet may be chiding the USA's actions or perhaps disapproving it after he had experienced the horrors of chemical warfare.

4)I found that this poem managed to convey the situation of the Vietnam War to the reader as it conveys image of death and decay. The reader would also be able to feel the fury in the tone as well as the sense of disappointment and hopelessness. Thus, I feel that this poem has succeeded as it manages to evoke emotion as well as expressing his sentiments to the USA.

Rainbow Death --- Task 1

This was a note written by Hubert Wilson that gives the reader some background information on him as well as the poem:

I am a Vietnam War veteran (as are my four brothers) who served in the USAF Security Service. I, along with a dozen or so intelligence school grads, prepped for about 14 months at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas, before anticipating being sent to Vietnam or elsewhere in southeat Asia in 1970. About half ended up in Da Nang (an Agent Orange hotspot) in the 6924th Security Squadron. The rest of us were assigned to Shemya Island, Alaska, with the 6984th Security Squadron, and what eventually was a MORE contaminated environment than Da Nang!
My health problems started approximately 15 years ago with unexplained headaches and limb pains. Four years ago my central nervous system radically deteriorated with Parkinsonian type tremors, severe headaches, progressive limb pains, etc. No physician has ever diagnosed the specific illness. NO physician has ever rendered ANY medical assistance! My number one educated guess is the heavily contaminated drinking water at Shemya during my year there as an intelligence analyst. Organo-phosphate toxins may not run their toxic course until 20 to 30 years after initial exposure.

Since my brain still functions moderately well (and I have mobility issues), I have turned to writing just like my late Father and the late singer (and writer) Johnny Cash.

He basically served in the USAF security service and ended up in an Agent Orange hotspot, Da Nang. His health problems started after 15 years and he suspected the contaminated drinking water at Shemya. Since his brain was still working, he became a writer.

I feel that the main conflict in the poem is the "effects of Agent Orange spray". The poem
speaks of a modern day ingredient of warfare that has caused appalling death and suffering – not only to its intended victims, the Vietnamese people, but also the service personnel that used or even just came into contact with “Agent Orange”, just like Hubert Wilson himself. Chemical warfare can cause massive damage to everyone, including those innocent ones as there was a fearsome 500000 children born with defects. Agent Orange has caused someone totally not involved in the war to suffer as a result of the chemical.


Monday, March 1, 2010


I shall adapt the scene "One-Shot Finch" into an drama play for the linguistic task.

On a peaceful and quiet Saturday,
Jem: I cannot wait to test on rifles on rabbits or squirrels!
Scout: Why don't we try it beyond the Radley Place.
(Scout notices Jem squinting at something down the street)
Scout: Whatcha looking at?
Jem: The old dog down yonder.
Scout: Ain't that old Tim Johnson?
Jem: I'm gonna tell Cal
(Both of them raced back to the kitchen)
Jem(panting): There something wrong with an old dog down yonder
(Jem imitates the dog by gulping like a goldfish, hunched his shoulders and twitched his torso)
Cal: Ain't you weaving a story?
Jem: I swear cross my heart it ain't fake!
Cal: Whatcha waiting for? Lead the way!
(We led her beyond the Radley place)
Cal: Oh my gosh!
Cal(frantically): Back to the house!
(Cal hurriedly went to the telephone and shouted for Mr Finch)
Cal: I swear to God there's a mad dog down yonder......yessir
(Hung up the phone an rung again)
Cal: Miss Eula May, call whoever's got a phone on this street, tell 'em that a mad dog comin'!
(This moment, a Black Ford swung into the driveway)
(Teck Hate and Atticus emerged)
Atticus: Stay inside son
(Atticus slowly rubbed his hand down the side of his thigh)
Atticus: There he is...
(Jem and Scout whispered to each other and discussed about the appearance of the dog)
(Tim Johnson reached the side-street that ran in front of Radley Place)
Atticus: He's within range........Cal go in
(Cal went it and latched the screen door)
Teck: Take him, Mr finch
Atticus(shaking his head): Don't just stand there.....
Teck: For God's sake, I can't shoot that well and you know it.
Atticus: I haven't shot in 30 years
Teck: I'd feel mighty comfortable if you do so now
(Atticus raised his glasses)
(With movements so swift, Atticus yanked a ball-tipped lever as he brought the gun to his shoulder)
There was a moment of silence......
( Cal prayed beneath her breath)
(The rifle crackled)
Tom Johnson leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk........

Intrapersonal --- Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.

I would like to friends with Atticus as he is portrayed as a man with morals, he will uphold justice even if he is the minority, he is very humble as he does not flaunt his strengths and instead chooses to hide them. If I befriended Atticus, I am sure that he will lead me onto the path of righteousness. Furthermore, he is very patient,and he does not demands much and I am sure he would not flare up if I made a minor mistake, thus I would not feel under pressure. He possesses courage in unique ways such as standing up for Tom Robinsons, the courage to stand against the majority. I find it extremely noble that Atticus pursues justice at the sake of his family being teased/mocked. By giving more priority to justice than his family, he shows that he has an extremely strong sense of righteousness. On top of that, Atticus loves to read books, by being a close friend with him I am sure to pick up the habit and it would be beneficial for my studies. Furthermore, he would be able to help me with my studies as he has knowledge. Hence, with him guiding me in my daily life, I can perceive the world I see today in an different eye, how people are being the victim of discrimination. I am sure that he would influence me to do the right thing and I would be like him when I grow up.

M.I. Test

After taking the M.I. Test, it shows that I am an linguistic and intrapersonal person. Followed by interpersonal, logical, kinesthetic, naturalist, visual/spatial and music smart. I am amazed when I am language smart as I do not have a flare for any language. Well, I think that I know myself well --- what my goals are, what I want most etc and I also consider other's feeling when interacting with them. I am definitely logical, I am able to visualise the steps needed to accomplish certain things. For the rest, I do not really have an interest in them, music --- no background, naturalist --- no interest. So, time to get down and do the assignment

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Buses --- Leave or Wait

As everyone should know, Singapore has an advanced transportation system, you could go to any part of Singapore with a bus or train. However, I recently observed that most buses are driving off even before the person behind the bus had been running all the way just to catch this bus. In some instances, the passengers must knock hurriedly on door before the driver realised that there is another passenger. Thus, is it justified to say that 'Bus drivers do not bother about their passengers boarding the bus' ?

To find out why bus drivers simply drive off, I shall attempt to look at several reasons. ( Please feel free to correct me if I had stated the wrong reasons) Firstly, I feel that bus drivers adhere to very strict time schedule and they would be scolded or perhaps have a shorter break at the interchange if they choose to wait for every "running" passengers. We should not choose not blame them as after a long journey, they ought to have some rest. Even the most hardworking/diligent have to rest eventually. Thus, by quickly finishing their route by not waiting for everyone they can have more time to rest or to adhere to their schedule.

Another reason would be the safety of their passengers. After picking up the passengers at the bus stops, they would be focused on exiting the bus bay and their eyes would be on the road instead of looking what other passengers are there. If they were to divert their attention between the road and the passengers, a accident may occur and may cause the passengers on board the bus to suffer injuries.

After observing buses, I realised that certain bus drivers would look in the mirror to check if there are people running to catch the bus. Even though their ages may vary, they have one thing in common --- they are very passionate about their jobs. These kind of bus drivers happens to be the ones who say a simple 'hello' or smile warmly at us, they are the kind of people that make people happy.

Hence, I feel that it is not ustified to say that 'Bus drivers do not bother about their passengers boarding the bus' ?

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hi all, this would be my blog for the fresh year of 2010. Please follow my blog or give valuable comments to my posts. For this year, I wold be focusing on Singapore's policies and frequent or unusual scenes happening in Singapore (perhaps analysis on local advertisements)as my blog name would suggest. Thus, allowing us to learn from commendable behavior and not follow those ugly sights. Wish all a wonderful year ahead