Saturday, February 27, 2010

Buses --- Leave or Wait

As everyone should know, Singapore has an advanced transportation system, you could go to any part of Singapore with a bus or train. However, I recently observed that most buses are driving off even before the person behind the bus had been running all the way just to catch this bus. In some instances, the passengers must knock hurriedly on door before the driver realised that there is another passenger. Thus, is it justified to say that 'Bus drivers do not bother about their passengers boarding the bus' ?

To find out why bus drivers simply drive off, I shall attempt to look at several reasons. ( Please feel free to correct me if I had stated the wrong reasons) Firstly, I feel that bus drivers adhere to very strict time schedule and they would be scolded or perhaps have a shorter break at the interchange if they choose to wait for every "running" passengers. We should not choose not blame them as after a long journey, they ought to have some rest. Even the most hardworking/diligent have to rest eventually. Thus, by quickly finishing their route by not waiting for everyone they can have more time to rest or to adhere to their schedule.

Another reason would be the safety of their passengers. After picking up the passengers at the bus stops, they would be focused on exiting the bus bay and their eyes would be on the road instead of looking what other passengers are there. If they were to divert their attention between the road and the passengers, a accident may occur and may cause the passengers on board the bus to suffer injuries.

After observing buses, I realised that certain bus drivers would look in the mirror to check if there are people running to catch the bus. Even though their ages may vary, they have one thing in common --- they are very passionate about their jobs. These kind of bus drivers happens to be the ones who say a simple 'hello' or smile warmly at us, they are the kind of people that make people happy.

Hence, I feel that it is not ustified to say that 'Bus drivers do not bother about their passengers boarding the bus' ?

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hi all, this would be my blog for the fresh year of 2010. Please follow my blog or give valuable comments to my posts. For this year, I wold be focusing on Singapore's policies and frequent or unusual scenes happening in Singapore (perhaps analysis on local advertisements)as my blog name would suggest. Thus, allowing us to learn from commendable behavior and not follow those ugly sights. Wish all a wonderful year ahead